Zero-COVID hits commodities

May 12, 2022 | Articles

The May 2022 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook focuses on industrial metals, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook for copper and iron ore for 2022 and 2023. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Commodities to outperform in 2022

February 17, 2022 | Articles

The February 2022 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook focuses on industrial metals, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook for copper and iron ore for 2022 and 2023. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Gold is on your side

January 12, 2022 | Articles

The January 2022 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook focuses on gold, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook over the coming year.  As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Omicron a positive for commodities

December 9, 2021 | Articles

The December 2021 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook report offers two-year price forecasts for all the key sectors (oil, industrial metals, gold) we cover on a regular basis. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Oil rally maxing out

November 11, 2021 | Articles

The November 2021 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook report focuses on crude oil, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook over the coming year. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Copper at a turning point

October 14, 2021 | Articles

The October 2021 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook report focuses on industrial metals, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook for copper and iron ore over the coming year. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Don’t rule out gold as a macro hedge

September 16, 2021 | Articles

The September 2021 edition of our Commodity Market Outlook focuses on gold, covering recent market developments and our pricing outlook over the coming year. As usual, we also provide an update on our latest views on broad commodity markets.

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Retail spending weakened in mid-2021

September 1, 2021 | Press


MONTREAL, QC, September 1, 2021 (Press Release) – Numera today released the latest update of its Global Retail Sales Tracker, which confirms global goods consumption weakened in mid-2021.

The slowdown primarily reflects a normalization of expenditure patterns in the United States, where households are allocating a greater portion of their disposable income to contact services. This ‘substitution’ effect is still not visible in EMs, where retail spending continued to recover on the back of stronger away-from-home traffic.

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Production recovering amid Delta concerns

August 26, 2021 | Press


MONTREAL, QC, August 26, 2021 (Press Release) – Numera today released the latest update of its Global Industrial Tracker, which shows global production continues to recover despite rising concerns about the Delta wave of COVID infections.

Worldwide industrial output rose 0.9% month-over-month in June after a tightening of restrictions in Asia caused global output losses of 0.3% the previous month. The June gain pushed industrial production to just 0.6% below its pre-pandemic path. This compares to a manufacturing output gap of 1.5%. The difference reflects subdued mining activity, with global crude oil production only starting to strengthen in late June.

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Manufacturing resilient to Delta

August 25, 2021 | Press


MONTREAL, QC, August 25, 2021 (Press Release) – Numera today released the latest update of its Global Manufacturing Tracker, which reveals manufacturing output remains resilient to the Delta wave of infections.

After contracting 0.8% month-over-month in May, global factory output rebounded in June, rising 1.1%. Inflationary pressures eased somewhat in June, but remain elevated by historical standards. Global PPI inflation came in at 11% annualized, versus 20%+ over the 3 previous months.

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