Europe’s time to shine

June 23, 2021 | Articles

The June 2021 edition of Numera’s Global Macro Monitor focuses on the Euro area, discussing EZ growth prospects and the regional investment outlook. Unlike past recessions, Europe should experience a sustained equity rally, underpinned by rapidly improving confidence and a strong Euro.

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Low mobility weighing on returns

May 27, 2021 | Articles

In the May 2021 edition of Numera’s Global Macro Monitor, we investigate the EM equity implications of vaccine inequality. Although global ‘reflation’ benefits EM assets, stark differences in public health risks versus DMs weakens the relative appeal of EM stocks versus past reflationary episodes.

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Pause button on US dollar slide

April 29, 2021 | Articles

In the April 2021 edition of Numera’s Global Macro Monitor, we explore the factors behind the US dollar’s partial recovery in early 2021 and the likelihood of a reversal in last year’s trend. We believe a period of sustained USD appreciation is unlikely, improving the upside for EM and commodity investments.

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What is behind China’s equity sell-off

March 30, 2021 | Articles

In the March 2021 edition of Numera’s Global Macro Monitor, we discuss China’s economic outlook and the factors behind the ongoing CN equity sell-off. We find that the correction realigns stocks with macro fundamentals, which in a context of strong global growth limits tail risk on new investments. Read More